Friday, November 21, 2008


Professor Hammer uses DNA analysis to study the history of populations, their origins and migrations.
How does the above paragraph prove
(a) this mutation began 3300 years ago
(b) it began in Asia
(c) Aaron was the first to have it
"DNA analysis" fancy name for playing Go Fish .. the match game
*  Get some one to swab some one's mouth, stick it in a jar
* Put it in a machine at a lab
* A computer then creates a graph in which one looks at a place on that graph and finds out if that part of the graph is the same as someone else's graph
GO FISH.. see if there is a match
In fact it is possible to create a graph when the human eye does not even need to look at the graphs
OCR, optical character recognition
There is no math involved other than percentages and chances are the computer does that. I have played with equation solvers and I can solve problems I can not even understand.. and this 'science' is junior high stuff.
DNA analysis.. sure sounds impressive. Any one who figures their own taxes is involved in more complex problems than this kid stuff.  Just more fluff



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