In any scientific investigation, you know nothing can be compared with something else, if you don't have BOTH things to be compared.The thing(s) that we are comparing to is called the benchmark.You can not say what you are testing is the same or different unless you have the benchmark to compare it with.
In the town of Dippies we have two groups. You can not tell them apart by looking at them but one subset of Dippies can be identified by their propeller hats. The only other difference in the two groups is the comic books they read.The other subset looks the same, just with out the hats and different reading materialLet's call them Propies ... and OthersIn the "Jewish" religion it is forbidden to examine the dead and those who die must be buried immediately. No religious "Jew" could claim to follow Judaism and examine a dead body.
In genetic testing it was found:
* Some Propies share a common genetic mutation
* Some of the Propies DO NOT share that genetic mutation
* Some of the Others DO share that very same mutation
* Some of the others do NOT share that mutation
The Propies (who also call themselves Jews) claims their common mutation {shared by non "Jews"} proves they are descendants of the ancient grandpa... Bench Mark.
They do NOT have the 3500 dna of Bench Mark and there is no possible way for them to say they have the same dna as the original {3,300 year old Israelites} Bench Mark... when they can NOT compare it with that which they do NOT have.
The ONLY thing they could do is compare their traits with other existing samples to draw their conclusions.In this case the OTHERS who share the common mutation could be connected to them and the "Jews" who do not share this mutation would NOT be connected to them.This common trait could ONLY connect those who could be tested and still could not possibly connect them with a 3,500 dead man who's DNA does not exist.
This example will begin by showing the principals of scientific testing
Firearms and Tool marks analysis involves the association of markings produced by the interaction of tools and contacting surfaces.
This type of evidence includes the identification of bullets and cartridge casings fired from a firearm; the association of pry marks to a suspect tool; the identification of a bolt cutter as having produced the markings on the cut end of a padlock or a piece of wire; and the association of shoe tracks, footprints, or tire tracks to a suspect or vehicle.
The process of identification involves a visual comparison of test marks made by the suspect tool or gun versus the evidence mark. These marks may be microscopic as in the case of a bullet or macroscopic as in the case of a tire or shoe track.
Firearms and Toolmarks analysis involves the association of markings produced by the interaction of tools and contacting surfaces.
This type of evidence includes the identification of bullets and cartridge casings fired from a firearm; the association of pry marks to a suspect tool; the identification of a bolt cutter as having produced the markings on the cut end of a padlock or a piece of wire; and the association of shoe tracks, footprints, or tire tracks to a suspect or vehicle.
The process of identification involves a visual comparison of test marks made by the suspect tool or gun versus the evidence mark. These marks may be microscopic as in the case of a bullet or macroscopic as in the case of a tire or shoe track.
The National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) (opens new window) system allows a firearms examiner to acquire, digitize and sort images of spent cartridge casings and bullets from crime scenes, victims, and suspect firearms.
By accessing regional databases, the firearms technician can compare these stored digitized images against each other or newly acquired images from active cases. It is these unique signatures present on case evidence that allows the firearms examiner to identify whether a spent bullet, bullet fragment, or cartridge casing were fired from a specific firearm.
The NIBIN system automatically correlates the digitized images and ranks the best "match", thereby eliminating the need to search an entire database of images freeing the examiner for more important tasks.
A comparison microscope is the essential tool in this science.
The known and unknown bullets or casings are viewed side by side in order to determine whether the unique markings left by the firearm when the cartridge was fired. For an interesting demonstration of the comparison microscope, visit (opens new window) and try their virtual comparison microscope.
In ballistic testing there are two common ways to see if a bullet came from a particular gun.
#1 By comparing the groves left on a bullet that has passed through a barrel and
#2 By looking at the cap where the hammer hitand ... not as much
#3 Examining the bullet to see what % of each element it was composed of.
Notice the two different places to place an empty shell or a bullet that has passed through the barrel.What lesson here can be applied to DNA testing to see if people have common traits?To assert any person or any thing shares a common trait, you must have the original BM and that which you are going to compare.When any one states something is similar, has a common trait or if they say those things are different, they MUST have the original BM to compare the two things in question.These are the same as that.. a comparison <> This is different than that .. a comparison.Similar/the same or different, this information can ONLY be stated when you have BOTH things to compare.
(a) {BM} Bench mark = that which (b) something else is being compared to.
If you watch any crime documentaries, the principal of finding someone guilty or excluding them as suspects is often very simple.
* A woman found raped and murdered. In the examination they found
(a) semen in the murdered woman . In this case the semen is the bench mark... it is what (b) suspects semen will be compared to. It would be impossible to compare the semen of any suspect with the original
IF you did NOT have the original to compare it with. Those who claim the Y Chromosome mutation they have proves they are the descendants of Aaron.
How would they claim they had a mutation that Aaron had, when they could never have the DNA of Aaron to examine in the first place?
Aaron never lived to see the Promised Land. He on Mount Hor, near the southern end of the Dead Sea.
The Israelites mourned him for thirty days, the same number of days that the Israelites mourned, when Moses died.
Numbers 33:39 Aaron ... died in mount Hor. 30 44 28 N by 34 30 37 E ... Aaron was buried in Egypt it looks like.
Under the burial laws of the Israelites, all burials were done quickly. They had no tombs, just wrapped them up in cloth and covered them up.
Of those who left Egypt... of the great multitude, ONLY two got to enter into Israel. That great multitude over a million was buried along the way in the 40 year migration.
Only Joshua (tribe of Joseph) and Caleb (tribe of Judah) made it to Israel.. Not Aaron nor his sons.
Aaron nor his sons lived to enter Israel. The multitude of Israelites who left Egypt are buried in hundreds of thousands of dirt graves in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.
* If they found any ancient corps in the middle east, how could they possible age date it or test it for DNA when according to "Jewish" law any autopsy is forbidden?=======================================================
* On what "scientific" basis would any "scientist" have to claim this mutation began with Aaron/His descendants when they could not possibly have any of the DNA of Aaron to test?=======================================================
* On what "scientific" basis would any "scientist" have to claim populations of modern men have the same genetic trait as Aaron, when they could not possibly have any of the DNA of Aaron to compare it with?=======================================================
You say any one can write a web page, you are right. Here is the difference in me and those who publish books or web pages promoting the assertion that the shared mutation of the y chrosome proves they are the descendants of the Israelites.
* They have e-mail addresses.. but how many of them can you get a reply from?
* They publish books and web sites, but who can ask them questions or challenge them?Books / Web sites are nothing but propaganda pulpits. They can make up or say any thing they can imagine and there are accountable to no one.
Here is what I have created
* This web site.. propaganda no different than the rest
* This Yahoo groups where I will post to so I don't lose notes or arguments I write... more propaganda because no one can cross examine it through that group. Any one interested can subscribe to it just to be updated on the latest arguments, assertions or debates I am in.
* Last is our public, open forum... hot debate, controversial group. Any one can say what ever they want in public and cross examine me.The web site and other group is composed of arguments / assertions I am involved in debate.
If you wish to challenge me, you might first want to create an alternate e-mail address and join with that so the spammers don't bomb your good e-mail address.
Once you are a member of the group you can post any thing, challenge me or ask any questions.
If you have any arguments not already published on the web site, your questions/challenges will become a page on that web site.
My adversaries are my co authors. My pages come out of debates... i.e. above I asked the question how could any one claim to be connected to Aaron through DNA when NO DNA of Aaron exists to be tested or compared.
This argument comes out of the controversial group. What we write in the public group goes into an archives which can be searched and any thing I say I wrote, you can see by searching the archives.OH yeah, for years I have been trying to get those "Jewish scientist" to respond to me in public.
If you think they can push their assertions and have the public believe them after all sides submit their arguments/questions, I will be glad for any of these "scientific experts" to respond to me in a public forum.
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