Friday, November 21, 2008


Jewish tradition, based on the Torah, is that all Cohanim are direct descendants of Aaron, the brother of Moses.

How does the above paragraph prove
(a) this mutation began 3300 years ago
(b) it began in Asia
(c) Aaron was the first to have it.

I can not find the word 'tradition' in the Tanach / Old Testament. What do they mean 'tradition', it is not law because they do NOT keep the laws given to the Israelites.

Why do they call themselves 'Jews' implying they are descendants of the Israelites, but do not call themselves Israelites.
These mush words leave wiggle room or loop holes so they can not be pinned down.

Numbers 3:39 there were 22,000 male Levites
Numbers 2:32 there were 603,550 (over 20 years old) from 11 tribes
With the males under 20 in the 11 tribes, there would have been over 700,000 male Israelites

If a Cohanim is a descendant of Aaron, then about 1 in 700,000 males would be Cohen

Of course the descendants of Aaron would be his descendants, but of course the priest married women of other tribes and they married/produced children with non Israelites.
(In the book of Ezra, the priest had married non Israelites and produced children with them. Those wives and children were sent back to multiple Arab nations... and of course those sons would have spread the genetics of their priest fathers into the rest of the Arab population)

Cohen .. Descendants of Aaron would include thousands of Arabs who would now be Muslims. These verses are given later here.

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