Wednesday, November 19, 2008


If you are a Cohen or Levi interested in participating in the DNA research and/or receiving further information please contact:
Center For Cohanim,
3 Rehov HaMekubalim,
Old City, Jerusalem, Israel
Phone/Fax: (02) 628-9243
Email: ymkleiman@hotmail.
How does the above paragraph prove
(a) this mutation began 3300 years ago
(b) it began in Asia
(c) Aaron was the first to have it.
Maybe some one would like to collect the contacts of those pushing this story and see if they will respond to these questions in public.
I would like to know how they would determine they were a Cohen or Levi, do they believe they can trace their family trees for 3000 years. The actual priest could not do that centuries ago and now these white Europeans make such claims?
Ezra 2:61  And of the children of the priests: the children of Habaiah, the children of Koz, the children of Barzillai; which took a wife of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite, and was called after their name:

Ezra 2:62  These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but they were not found: therefore were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood.

 Gileadite:  A branch of the tribe of Manasseh (Nu 26:29). Here these priest were intermarrying with a different tribe, so the supposed mutation would not only exist in the tribe of the Levites. This is only one of multiple verses showing the Levite priest mingling their seed.

If any on earth professes they can trace their ancestors through family trees, see if you or they can do this:



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