Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Using the CMH as a DNA signature of the ancient Hebrews, researchers are pursuing a hunt for Jewish genes around the world.
How does the above paragraph prove
(a) this mutation began 3300 years ago
(b) it began in Asia
(c) Aaron was the first to have it.
Almost all Hebrews were NON Israelites.. Edomites, Ishmaelites, Midianites ...
This mutation could not possibly connect modern men with any ancient people because they are not testing the DNA of ancient people, they are only comparing modern populations with members of their own group.
You might want to check some of the "conversion" records of synagogues you might find many of these 'Jews" are no more than descendants of Europeans, even the Nazis..
 'Jewish' victims of the Nazis were nothing but their European relatives. Date Line NBC program on 'Jews in Hitler's Nazi Army' ... Jew Nazi soldiers, Jew Nazi officers, the skeletons they hide in their closets.
The book and author on the Date Line NBC program on 'Jews in Hitler's Nazi Army' .



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