Friday, November 21, 2008


After 188 males were asked if they were Cohen, Levites or Israelites from several world locations...
The results of the analysis of the Y chromosome markers of the Cohanim and non-Cohanim were indeed significant. A particular marker, (YAP-) was detected in 98.5 percent of the Cohanim, and in a significantly lower percentage of non-Cohanim
How does the above paragraph prove
(a) this mutation began 3300 years ago
(b) it began in Asia
(c) Aaron was the first to have it.
1)  A particular marker.. HOW MANY 'particular markers" are there.
2)  If the self professing Cohen had 98.5 % of this mutation, then what is the rest of the 'Cohen' would not have it.
3)  Instead of giving an actual they write 'a significantly lower percent of non-Cohen have it" .. how many is a "'significantly lower percent"
4)  If ANY non Cohen's have this marker, what would that say about the marker being exclusive to 'Cohen' ?
5) The Cohen.. descendants of Aaron were less than 1/700,000th of the male population, of Israelites so if they kept to themselves.. you would have to test 700,000 to find one person with this mutation.



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